Do you ever think about your life letter?
In a world so riddled with technology, it’s probably safe to say that most folks never even contemplate a “letter” anymore.
Everyday you are writing your letter of life. Some days just a word, other days a sentence, but, you are writing regardless. Everyday a brand new sheet of paper is given for you to pen the words of your existence. Then one day, without a heads-up, a caution flag, or a warning alarm, the winds of life blow through and your letter is gone. IT’S LOST………. Who am I? Why am I here? What was I created for?
It happens to us all in some way or another…and when it does, know that the message in that letter will be unveiled at its appointed time. This message that was once clear, is now a fog of overcast clouds hovering over your existence and choking the life left in you. It’s unexplainable to you, unfathomable to those around you, but undeniable nonetheless.
You trudge through these drowning waters of life like a writer without a pen; until one day the unimaginable transpires. You find yourself sitting in conversation and your message, your meaning, resurfaces in a profound, arcane and recondite way.
PROFOUND: characterized by an intense feeling.
ARCANE: mysterious happening only understood by those there.
RECONDITE: impossible for one of ordinary knowledge to comprehend.
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A series of events unfolds so quickly before your eyes that leaves you wondering how? why? what for? The only thing to do is to cling tight to the anchor of hope that was thrown to you from above. There’s more to be penned in your letter, it’s not time for the salutation and the stamp. There is still life left to be written on your paper.
There are days we all feel like giving up. We want to ball our piece of paper up and toss it is the trash because life just doesn’t make sense! On these days, when your hope is fading and your will is weary; reach up and grab the hand of the master writer. Let the hand of Jesus hold your pencil for you and show you how to form the next letter, how to begin a new sentence, or maybe, just maybe, you need to let Him sharpen your pencil for you so what you are writing is not blurry anymore. Whatever the need may be, He will supply if you relinquish control.
Take a deep breath, don’t stress, believe in yourself because this life is worth living!
So grab your paper and your pencil and……. Write on my friend.
I do write quite a bit and this post hit home with me. Thanks for the insight.
Lori, you are so welcome