I am a registered nurse by degree and have enjoyed many years in many different facets of nursing. I have had the pure pleasure of meeting such amazing people along this wild ride. Some of the wildest of these times came during my work in home health. For those of you who may not be familiar with this; Home health is where you,as a nurse, go into a patients home to care for whatever their short-term need may be. Let me tell you, if it could happen in home health, it happened to ME. Thus giving me some of the most hilarious things to write about.
Now, mind you, they weren’t all funny at the exact moment they were happening, but I have come to find the humor and the life lesson learned through each experience. I am very candid with my writing and because I’ve been through so much in my life, I do not get embarrassed real easy, so with that being said… grab your popcorn (on second thought, you may not want to do this), find a comfy spot and a kleenex to wipe your tears from laughing…..
It was a sultry summer morning in NC as I made my way out to the corral to get my county car and start my adventures for the day. I had my caramel frappe from McDonalds in hand, because i just felt the need for one on my way in that morning. Car checked over, starting mileage recorded, radio up and off I go. I’m driving and singing and sipping on my frappe (also now known as frozen exlax with whipped topping) when all the sudden, a tummy pain hits me like a west Texas wind.
Now, I live and work in the country folks, in the sticks! No bathroom in sight, not even a stray port-a-john that fell off of a trailer, there’s nothing but a stump and some moss. So i commence to praying, “Lord please take this away, Lord please take this away, Lord please take this away.” He did!! I continue on my journey and arrive at my patient’s house with great delight to see her, because she is a hoot!
I’m chatting it up with her and looking over her medications when suddenly, the winds of pain blow again…Oh Lord…You’ve got this Sasha, you’ll be fine. By this time, I’m sweating like sinner in church and I. Am. About. To. Die! I had to go! I knew I’d never make it back to the office and frankly I just wasn’t in the mood for a stump and some moss so I asked my patient if I could kindly use her bathroom. And her reply was. “Baby you knows I aint got no bafroom, but yous can use my bucket.” Yes, I did know this, but in the depths of my severe crisis, I had forgotten.
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Yes, I was mortified at the time this was taking place, but I have since found the side-splitting humor and life lesson in this.
You see, you may have the finest of things in life and enjoy the comfort of a toilet seat at all times, but not everyone has this luxury. This doesn’t make you or I any better than those economically lower in status than us. We are all created equal in the eyes of the Father.
He taught me this sweet lesson while hovering a bucket that hot summer day in the home of one of the most amazing women I have ever met. She had no shame in the fact that she used a bucket and had no running water. And, here I was so mortified that I had to stoop to this level when, clearly I’m better than this, right? No mam Sasha…You are not! Proverbs 16:18-19 tells us…Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Better it is to be of a humble spirit with the meek and poor than to divide the spoil with the proud. That day, I realized that my social status, my bank account, my paycheck nor my plumbing determined who I really was. I am a child of God, an heir to the throne and saved by the same redeeming grace as every other uniquely created individual.
Humble yourselves my sisters….pride is an ugly thing. Anybody can use a bucket!
Thank you for sharing your story with us Sasha, I look forward to reading many more.
Thank you Sandy!
Oh Sasha, that was definitely a laugh out loud funny story! It’s a really excellent point you made from dealing with that experience. Good one!
So glad you enjoyed it!!